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27 June 2024

The Geneva EMBA: HR managers say yes

No organization escapes the challenge of recruitment, faced with new generations of professionals whose aspirations are evolving towards more autonomy, shared time, and meaningful work. For companies, the stakes are high, as training is no longer conducted the same way at all levels of function and hierarchy. Why? Because expectations have changed, and more than ever, the “deal” is made mutually, on equal footing between the employer and the candidate. HR managers are now looking for leaders capable of transforming their structures.

Ready for your professional revolution?
If you dream of advancing your career, opportunities are in front of you. Ongoing technological upheavals are necessitating the reorganization of value chains in almost every sector. By refining your ability to tackle challenges responsibly, solve digital equations, and lead change, you will not only increase your chances of being recruited but also enhance your future prospects in your new job.

The Geneva EMBA: Well grounded in reality
To achieve this, Geneva EMBA will first build your self-leadership. From the first year, you will clarify your motivations and anchor your training in a concrete dimension. The second year will allow you to develop three fundamental themes sought by HR: formalizing a global advantage, leading responsibly, and managing transformation. Thus, you will strengthen your strategic abilities, decision-making capacity, emotional intelligence, and management skills.

Companies are keeping up with the times. So should you.
The Geneva EMBA prepares you for a new leadership that is agile, versatile, and valued by employers, giving you a significant edge in the job market. The current global competitive environment intensifies the competition but also offers a great potential for value creation. The cultural pluralism of the Swiss market, its legislation, and its environmental goals now demand a good mastery of ESG goals (environmental-social-governance) and policies to meet the expectations of stakeholders, clients, partners, and employees. The Geneva EMBA trains you on all these issues, also focusing on internationalization and ethics, disruptive technologies, and data management disciplines. These skills will enable you to successfully navigate the 4th industrial revolution and the advent of digitalization in all sectors of activity.

Don’t miss your appointment with your history!

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