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15 August 2023

Benoît Daléry: “I was able to strengthen my HR proficiency in transit from a management function to the role of Group HR Director”

There are many ways to comprehend the meaning of an organization, yet it only takes a name to define its purpose. In the entirety of understanding this concept we must break down the facets that constitute an organization, its governing laws, ethics and the foundations that are commonly found in all organization. Our focus for this week was on Human Resources and Benoit Daléry had given us a brief depiction of his progress since UNIGE.

I am delighted to see those 6 years after the end of my training, I am still very satisfied with my activities. I was able to strengthen my HR proficiency in transit from a management function to the role of Group HR Director, integrating the company’s group management committee and by doing that, worked on a long-term corporate strategy.

Prior to my EMBA, I had about 15 years of experience in Human Resources. This was the strength of my profile. Working in an SME of about 1000 employees in over 20 countries, and being part of the company’s management committee, I wanted to acquire a global vision towards organisation activities and the challenges in order to best support my company in its development. I also wanted to take a personal and professional breath by stepping back in my career, and step back from my company and the needs of the organization. Develop my interpersonal skills, learn new methods and be able to integrate them into the company.

Being part of a family-owned, independent SME with an international influence but with a 40-year history in Geneva, the choice of the University of Geneva was totally coherent for me. I also wanted to develop my local network and benefit from a lasting relationship with my university. The openness offered by the EMBA had also enabled me to contribute on other managerial activities as well.

My studies at the university went very well despite a very intensive work schedule and a very high level of commitment during 24 full months. The summer breaks from classes were an opportunity to work in groups on specific projects. The meetings and exchanges, both with the teachers and the students were really stimulating. I am happy to be able to keep in touch with the university and with some of the students even today.

Benoît Daléry LinkedIn profile

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